
Spirit Message: FULL Speed Ahead!

It’s that magical time here on Earth where dreams are starting to come true. Spirit takes his foot off the brake and allows us to move forward. He has a warning for us as well but right now, we are capable of making all of our dreams come true if we are willing to put the work into it. The planets are aligned and it’s our time!!!! Obstacles fall out of the way and the debris is removed for a clear road ahead!

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
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A Trip to the Shadow Lands

dream catcherThis is something I wrote back in 2006 🙂 

A few weeks ago I had something come to me in a vision  and take away something very precious and dear to me. I was crushed and very upset to the point of actually crying. This reaper of death came right up to me and took my dreams! Yes .. that’s what I said.. believe it or not!  I saw him coming toward me and froze, not really in fear, more in confusion of why it was he was coming towards ME!!!!!!!! To my surprise he took away my dreams, and for anyone who knows me or reads any of my blogs, you will know how very important my dreams are to me. My dreams take me to the many places I can’t go in physical form. They take me to the arms of the one I love, they teach me the many lessons of life, they calm my fears and give me hope, they show me new paths and they help me to grow.

I wondered for a long time what it was that I had done that was so bad that I deserved such a thing as to have my dreams taken away. Each night I would try my best to dream and nothing. Nothing at all would come to me. My dreams were truly gone. What was I to do? I tried everything I knew to get my dreams to come back to me and I worked on being an even better person. I worked on more of my inner self, hoping it would be enough and that I would finally deserve or earn my dreams back… but no… nothing.

Then one night… I was sick and tired of not having my dreams!!  I went off to where I knew the reaper would be that held my dreams… the shadow lands… that place … that very dark place that most fear. I overcame my own fear of that place for I learned that  we must have such a place to have balance… light and dark… good and bad… for if everything was light or good.. how would we recognize the dark or the bad .. simply we wouldn’t. We’d know nothing different, everything would be exactly the same… just as to know great happiness you must first know great sorrow.

So I went to the shadow lands and searched out the reaper. I found him with my dreams right there hanging around his neck as if it were nothing but a charm .. hmmmp! So I walked right up to him… looked right into the darkness of his face and those soulless eyes and took back what was mine! I then dealt with him and let him know that there would not ever be another thing he would be allowed to take from me. I was taking back control of my own life and no longer allowing others to take away anything what was special or dear to me.

At first I hadn’t given much thought after I dealt with the reaper of why he took my dreams in the first place. I simply thought he did it just because he could… because that’s the type of spirit he was.

But today for some odd reason.. driving home from work … it dawned on me. The reaper was not actually the “Real” reaper of death… just designed to represent that to create fear and to be able to get my dreams from me that much easier. It worked… it was all a test … and the whole time I had it inside myself to get my dreams back at any time. I just didn’t know it.

If you want something bad enough, then you must take “ACTION” to keep it or get it back. You must be willing and ready to  “FIGHT” for what you love, what you believe in and what you want. The reaper came to me and I did nothing. I didn’t fight… I didn’t chase after him… I didn’t protect myself… I did nothing but watch as he took away my dreams and then left with them. All I did was think about it … over and over and over … I let it consume my thoughts .. and mostly only thought about why is it I  wasn’t worthy of keeping my own dreams or what had I done that was so wrong. It wasn’t about that at all. It was just a lesson to teach me to stop allowing others to take from me. Stop allowing pieces of myself to be given to those who did not deserve them and to fight for the things I hold dear. Leaving myself open is and can be damaging because not everyone or thing is honest and trust worthy. Many are out to cause harm… intentional or not. I must guard myself and those I love. I must pay more attention to my surroundings and make sure the things that are special to me don’t slip away .. or worse yet taken.

I thank who ever sent the reaper to take my dreams … it was a very valuable lesson .. and I shall forever hold on to this lesson and live by it!



Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
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Full Moon Visions with the Wolf

In today’s video I tell you all about the visions I had during last night’s  full moon. It involves two wolves, pregnancy and the birth of something new. Enjoy!

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
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Your Own Spiritual Journey

In this video I speak about tracing back your own spiritual journey. I tell you why you should be doing this, how to do this and the wonderful gift that you will get from doing this.

Man Blessings,

A Vision of Rebirth

wolfA Vision of Rebirth

This Vision came to me in March of 2006

As I drift off to sleep this cold, winter night in March underneath the full moon, the Storm Moon, I see a young native Indian man. He is very strong and wise beyond his years. He is a healer, what some might call a medicine man.

I lay before him in a trance like state as he begins his ritual. He starts off with chants and a bit of a dance. With leaves of some sacred plant tucked into his ear lobes he dances about my body, cleansing my soul and the air that surrounds me so that the healing process may begin. Blessing the area once cleansed, he continues with his mystic chants.

I see myself laying there, now bound by the feet and ankles … A white horse I see, this horse is there to carry me on my journey. A ritual of unbinding my legs now begins.. large knives or blades are heated by the blazing fire that roars in the circle, then used to cut away what ties me down. A white wolf appears.. by my side he takes a protective stance , he holds his position at my side to protect my spirit as the ritual continues through the night.

My head is then wrapped with some sort of large, green leafy plant anointed in the native medicines, my eyes are then covered as well with the same. Pink blossoms are then placed over my eyes.. Not sure what the flower is but it is fragrant, not strong but a gentle scent and the petals are long and oval shaped much like a star but with many more points. As I am being healed I am also being given certain gifts. At this time I do not question all that goes on, I accept the healing and welcome the gifts.

Natives at both my sides chanting and dancing all around me, I am then adorned with white seeds that are placed down the center of my stomach, from my breasts to my navel. I reach down to touch the ever faithful wolf that still stands guard at my side. As I stroke his fur, he leans in to my touch and yet maintains his stance to re-affirm that he remains to be my protector and shall not, under any circumstances leave my side. … To each side of me there are natives painting my body with ointments in healing colors. They paint on symbols of healing and rebirth… my insides are being healed for the next stage of the ritual. Now below my navel a large area is painted. This is where my womb lies. Oh yes, I see, now it is clear that I am about to give birth. Birth to who or what I ask…

Once the adornment is complete the medicine man and his fellow natives begin to chant at a stronger, louder, more intense pace. The birthing has begun and I see and image emerging from my own stomach. A figure cloaked in white .. What’s this I see? I am giving birth to my own self! Slowly I rise from within myself.. a long laboring task. Once I am fully born I look back to have a look back at the body I have just come from. Now nothing more than an empty shell. It looks as though all the useful bits were taken out and now all that is left is a thick skin of a shell. A tough thick skin, for that person that I came from had grown tough from many lifetimes of pain and suffering. I see I have taken the heart with me and yet left the brain behind. Maybe this is telling me that the old way of thinking is no longer needed and that new thinking is now possible. … Leaving behind also all the painful memories that cluttered the mind and held me back from truly progressing. My eyes I see I have taken as well, but they have been cleansed and renewed so that I may have a fresh, untainted look at the world around me.

With new eyes, new visions emerge., and with new visions come new hopes, new dreams, new goals and a whole new life.

As I am now fully free from my old self, I go to the white wolf to thank him for the devotion and protection he has given to me during this time of renewal. I kneel before him and look into his eyes and tears begin to fall from my newly reopened eyes. I am overcome with so much emotion for when our eyes met, I saw the heart and soul of this wolf. Strong and pure, full of love. A love so true that no sacrifice was too big. For I saw that the wolf would give his own life for my protection.

As I gather myself, I am told to rise and hold my head up high.. for now I am to see myself as a priestess and I needed to start living the part. I was told to recognize my gifts and embrace the new me that has emerged this cold March night. This would be my next great task in life, for I have never seen myself in such a position of stature. I was told that by accepting my new position was to truly love myself and it was less of a title that others would know me by and more of one that would be known to myself. Knowing who you are and accepting that and embracing it with love is the only way to inner peace and with your own inner peace you can now finally begin to help others heal. For your inner self is like your home and if your home is not in order you cannot expect to help others get theirs in order. As I agree to accept the new life that has been given.. I begin my journey.. walking down life’s path again, with a new perspective and new look at what the world has in store and what magic lies ahead.

With the white wolf at my side we begin down the path and I see myself transform into a wolf as well and we run off into the shadows of the night.. side by side we run off to start anew.. not in front or behind but at the side of my protector.

by: Waya the Raventalker

Changing Wind

IMG_0713As I stepped outside I felt the breeze blow through my hair and my soul connected with the wind. I felt the changes coming, not just for me but for many others. We are being moved around and placed in position for the great shift that is upon us. We have been experiencing this shift for some time now, the peek is very near. Those who are more sensitive will feel it the most of course and seem to be the most effected. That is only the appearance that it leaves us with… those most effected will be the ones who are not “seeing” or “feeling” the shift. They have no idea what is about to come. Walls are being knocked down, borders are being blurred and those hiding behind a mask of something else are being revealed.

Step outside and feel the wind with me. Tell me your story of how the changing wind effects you.

Many Blessings,

Stripping it all away!

This is a vision I had a couple of years ago and thought now to be a good time to re-share with you my experience…

The Milk Ceremony ~ 

I was laid out in circle completely naked as the clan mothers cleansed me with milk. They carefully poured milk all over my body taking care not to miss any part of me. Once this was done pieces of leather were laid over my more private areas and a medicine man then came into the circle. He carried with him a large shell of smoke to once again cleanse and bless me and the area before he began his medicine.

What happened next was something I would have never imagined.  It was as if I had many layers of myself on me…. Like layers of clothing it was as if I had layers of flesh that had built up over the years. The medicine man stood at my feet and with gestures he pulled off each layer one by one. With each layer he pulled off and threw behind him, I became brighter and more clean looking.  It was just like when one lightens their teeth and with each application they become a tad bit whiter. Behind him as he threw off each layer, there were helpers that would quickly pour special water mixed with milk and herbs onto the ground where his gestures seemed to have thrown the layers. Also there was a bundle of herbs smoking just on the far side of the area that yet another helper would continuously fan so that the smoke filled the entire area behind the medicine man.

These layers of me were… well….. they were ideas, behaviors, thoughts, actions and habits that I had formed over years of living. Things that had attached to me through all my daysin this life. I was being stripped away of everything. Stripped down to the bone but the medicine man went far beyond flesh and bone …  he went all the way down to the core of me.

feather It took quite a long while to strip away all my layers .. seems as though I must have collected quite a lot in this  life thus far.  When he was finally done stripping away my layers, I saw something amazing and unexpected. I was made up entirely of light. Laying there still, glowing oh so brightly.. and to my amazement I could see certain parts of me a bit brighter than the rest. We read about and are taught that our bodies have these Chakra points… the points in your body that hold the most energy…. Seeing myself in this way….. confirmed that to be true.

It was as if I had the whole of the universe inside me… made up of every constellation imaginable. Some say were are born of the stars .. after seeing this I would certainly believe that to be a truth. Once I was stripped down to this level the medicine man and his helpers along with the clan mothers, sat down and formed a circle around me…. They sat there for a very long time chanting in a meditative prayer. They did this until the sun came back up.

I was then shaded by some structure that they built and left there in a meditative state until the sun had gone back down. As I began to grow back a new layer of flesh and bone… I was given a token or gift from each person in the circle… they placed these gifts inside me. It will be up to me to find these gifts and use them when the time is right. The medicine man’s gift was a large crystal.. it was squared in shape .. not pointed and not entirely clear.. it was a milky color and a bit off white.

This ceremony leaves me in quite a state of reflection. I can certainly see the point of it and feel quite blessed to have been part of such a sacred and healing act. In fact beyond the words describing the ceremony I feel quite speechless.. not knowing exactly what to say… yeah I bet you never imagines that either!! hahahaha.

On that note I will leave you with this one last thought… maybe we should all take a bit of time to look at ourselves and the many layers we have collected over our lifetimes… and do ourselves  the favor of shedding those layers that bring us negativity, pain or those thoughts and behaviors that simply hold us back in life.

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
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Be sure to check out my Facebook Page for more videos, Spirit messages and free readings even!

Ceremonial Vision

angel wingsLast night just as I lay down in the bed a ceremonial vision began to take place. I was surrounded by several ladies, I was confused as I have never encountered beings like these before. They seemed like a mix between angels and fairies. They were tall, dressed in light flowing dresses and large light colored wings … but the healing they did or magic seemed more like fairy magic.

They took a bundled child form from inside me. They danced with it and sang to it and cradled it and laughed and played with it. As they were passing it around with one another they were taking turns waving their hands over my body doing some sort of healing, protection or magic. They made sure to apply extra attention to my feet, head and chest. They did this for quite a while and when they were done they placed the bundle back inside me for it to continue it’s incubation period.

I was then given the information that what they had done would come into knowing after the 3rd of my next moon cycles.

So now… I wait!

I welcome anyone who would like to give any insight about this vision.

Many Blessings,

The Birth of a Story

mushroomThere’s a place where stories are born. A place so magical, so amazing… a place truly like no other you have ever seen. This place is filled with every emotion: fear and love, sorrow and pain, joy and wonder, ecstasy and fright.

Painted with every color, every shade, every hue. A place where magic waits to be born.

You’ll find yourself falling in love by a babbling brook, writhing in pain from a loss so great you can hardly breathe. You’ll find adventure on a mountain side, joy inside of a fairy ring and experience great fear in a darkened cave. There are no limits, no boundaries within this place. What you dare to dream can come to life right before your eyes. Creatures of all shapes and sizes, from every corner of the world.. from every walk of life.

Each experience, like no other. Each moment more magical than the one before. A place where the angels sing upon a soft whisper into the winds from ancient times, where devils dance within the flames of unrequited love, where the rain kisses your soul with every drop from the heavens above. Dreams, magic, adventure… they all wait for you there in the place where stories are born.

Dare to step inside this place… experience it for yourself and journey where ever your imagination takes you.

Many Blessings,

The Goose

IMG_1250This morning I had a lovely dream about a Goose. I was in a house that “in the dream” must have been mine … but I have never seen a house like the one in this dream. I was in my bedroom which was on the top floor and windows surrounded the room and outside the windows was the ocean.

One of the windows was open and a black and purple Goose flew into the room and crash landed on top of me. This goose was a bit startled …. as was I. She was getting up and as she was .. she spoke to me. I was startled even more, wide eyed and in shock I looked at her and said.. “you can talk”.  She laughed and said of course I can talk and said a few other things to me but now I can’t even remember what those things were. She then layed down next to me and snuggled in a ever so loving and gentle way. It was adorable and I just sat there in total shock. It wasn’t long before a man entered the room, picked her up and tossed her out the window. It happened so quickly I couldn’t stop him… but not to worry … she started flying and then buzzed the windows and let me know she would be back.

Whew.. what a wild and crazy dream! I love it!

Here’s some info I found on the Goose:

Imprinting Your Life Path

A Goose totem reflects a stimulation of childhood thrills and the belief in stories and legends. The stories we loved as children often reflect our life quest. Think about the stories that affected you the most and see what in them you took into your adult life.

The Goose also helps in communication, especially with the written word.

It is also a symbol of fertility and marital fidelity. Goose people have an innate belief that there is just one special person for each one.

Since Geese are vegetarians, those with a Goose totem should always incorporate plenty of vegetables into their diet.

The Goose was a sacred bird in the Roman temples of Juno; associated with the North Wind in Greek Mythology; and the totem for the Winter Solstice for the Native Americans.

Their honking call speaks of the fulfilled promises that great quests bring.

Many Blessings,

Life Mysteries

fairy dream catcherI have felt drawn for the past couple of days to go back through some archives to find a radio show reading that was done for me a couple of years ago. It felt like there was some information in that reading that I needed to hear again. When I found the archive I realized that it was  almost exactly 2 years ago, April 12, 2011.  How odd is that? Being that long ago I remember some things that had been said during the reading .. more or less I remember subject matter but not the details. I sat and listened to the entire show waiting for my part to come up. One thing that stood out for me was something about listening to fairy music t open a door. Sooooooooooooooooo …. I google searched fairy music and the first artist that struck me was Priscilla Hernadez .. I then did an Amazon search to see what albums she had available to download. Once I found her .. I was pretty clear which album I would buy. The one that was released on  MY BIRTHDAY!  Ok here’s another odd one.. it was released on my birthday in 2011.. the same year as the reading but a few months AFTER the reading.

So here I am listening to the album… telling you guys my story… waiting for the chapters to unfold.

What a fun and mysterious life we live!

Many Blessings,

A New Journey

I love it when I go into meditation and a ceremony takes place that I get to experience.  This morning as I began my meditation I felt the presence of my grandmother right away. Quickly I was thrust into a ceremony with a group of elder women. I’ll share with you my experience now:

I found myself in my traditional natural fiber ceremonial clothing, a lightweight linen in natural color. I will refer to the elder women from here on out as “grandmothers”. One grandmother was brushing my hair, while another two were rubbing down my arms, hands, legs and feet with an ointment or oil. A fourth grandmother was speaking, telling me what was going on and doing energy work as the other 3 grandmothers continued their physical work on me. They were preparing me for the ceremony. One does not just go into ceremony without first being cleansed and prepared.

I was full of questions and they told me to be quiet. They told me I must quiet my mind and body as they continue their work. So I did my best to let them do what they needed to do, however curious my mind was and no matter how badly I wanted to question everything that was happening.

One grandmother was working on my feet and it reminded me of Peter Pan, when Wendy was trying to sew his shadow to the bottom of his feet. The grandmother that was working on my feet must have known my thoughts, for she spoke and told me that she was preparing me for a new journey. It looked and felt as if she was spiritually sewing new soles onto the bottom of my feet. It seemed like this took her forever to do.

Once they were done rubbing my legs and arms with the oil, I was layed down on a solid surface. One grandmother worked on my hands while the other continued working on my feet. The grandmother that had been brushing my hair is now working on my head and has layed a couple of coin looking medallions over my eyes. They were cold like coins but not made of metal. I’m not sure what they were made of, but they were hand carved and made for the sole purpose of giving one new vision. The fourth grandmother continued to talk to me as she did energy work over my entire body.

Suddenly I am transported to many places. It looks like the world keeps shifting around me as I visit various places. The first was the base of a mountain, then to a waterfall. I wanted to get up and explore but they knocked me back down. The grandmother at my feet said to the others, you are right this one is very impatient. Relax child, this journey is not like the many you have had before. You must lay still to experience this one. Oh, how hard it was to lay there with all of this going on around me. I found it so hard to focus as everything continued to change. Just as I would see clearly the world around me, it would change into something else.  From the waterfall, I was transported to the seaside. It was cloudy and cold as if I were somewhere in Europe, very rocky and the waves were crashing into the beach and onto the rocks. I was then sent to a hillside where I could see over the ocean and the grandmothers continued their work.

Then I was shown the standing stones. I felt the energy from each. All similar but different. I was shown one place that was grand. Very tall stone structure that symbolized a city. It was a  very large, massive scaled version of a city or meeting place. I then saw as the structure fell and the stones scattered. I saw people taking stones away and placing them all over the Earth. I questioned about the stones not being ridged, since they had fallen it seemed like they should have had sharp edges, but they all seemed far too smooth to have just fallen. I was then shown that they were once underwater after they had fallen. They were under that water for a long time before they were then moved. The water flowing over  them for so many years was what gave them their new shapes. I was shown the stone people.. they were the guardians of the city and they wrapped around it in protection. I was shown people over the years gathering at the different stone areas of the world. Only a few really felt the true energy of the stones. Many gathered, but most were unaware of their true purpose or energy. These were seekers that were not ready for that kind of understanding. Those that are ready will soak up the energy like a sponge but say nothing or at least very little of their experiences for  the experience alone were too intricate to describe with words. The experience for those were also so very personal, many not fully understanding it themselves. Left not knowing how to begin to tell their own stories.

This is how my meditation, my experience this morning ended. I am full of questions, but also an understanding and a knowing of something new to me. I feel there will be more to this journey… but for now I must be patient and wait until it is time for the next chapter to be revealed.

Many Blessings,

The Standing Stones

I was just in meditation and a vision was given to me about the standing stones that are scattered around the world. I have no way of knowing if this could be true, but the vision I was given is perfectly clear.

The stones I keep hearing are like a key… broken apart in puzzle form. To understand the stones truth you must map them together as if they were at one point in the same place.

If the stones were to be mapped together.. layered on top of each other, then their intent and purpose would be clear. Separated they have a mystery, an unknown story… but to bring them back together… the story, the truth is revealed.

Wow! I’d love to know if there has ever been anyone who has tried this. What I am seeing is the stones on a transparent type of film and then overlayed on top of each other and rearranged until suddenly they all seem to match up creating one perfectly clear image of something entirely unexpected, entirely different.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, certainly some food for thought.

Many Blessings,

Just One of Those Magical Days

My day began with the dog wide awake and jumping around. He never does this at 5am when I wake up and get ready for work.. he usually lays sleeping with the hubby .. .both sound asleep without a care in the world. This morning, he was wide awake and bouncing up and down, so I took him outside, thinking maybe he needed to go out. So I step outside with Monty and there is this crow up in the trees cawing like it is nobody’s business. He cawed and cawed as loud as he could. Ok Mr. Crow .. I hear you!

Crow is a omen of Change. Crow lives in the void and has no sense of time, therefore, it sees past, present and future simultaneously. Crow merges both light and dark, both inner and outer. You must be willing to walk your talk, to speak your truth and to know your life’s mission.

On my in to work… I am driving down the interstate and get this sense of change coming. It was a quick glance of me driving down this interstate .. but it being an entirely different interstate than what I was on. I had this same feeling the day before and a few days before that as well. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…. One begins to wonder… just what exactly is it that is coming?

So, I finally arrive at work and have this feeling when pulling into the parking lot that I need to grab my camera and take some photos. I am drawn to some tall grass in an area just off the parking lot that I usually never venture into. I go inside put all my things away, get my computer going and head outside to see what there is to see with camera in hand! I snapped a couple of photos of the tall grass and reviewing the photos from the camera preview screen.. I am just not drawn by what I see.. so I stand up and have a quick look around, wondering what is it that has drawn me to this spot and then just around the corner of a hedge I see this lone bloom hanging out.. just waiting for me to notice it.

click to enlarge

It seems out of place, hanging there all alone and I didn’t think so much about it at the time.. I only thought about how beautiful it was and how I had to try and capture it’s gift to share with everyone. Writing this now I can relate… I, myself … often feel very alone and find myself just hanging out with no one else but myself. Sure there are others all around… but really I feel just like this blossom.. just hanging out with myself.. lol.. no crowd.. just me.. hanging out with my thoughts.

So, now I am inside writing my blog for the day and a Bluejay lands at my window.. looking in and screaming at me! I turn and say “What???” He gives me a look and then screams some more and flies away… then back he came and repeated his looking and screaming. Ok Mr. Bluejay.. I hear you too!

click to enlarge

A  Blue Jay totem says, you must learn to use your personal power properly. Develop your gifts and you will have unlimited potential. A Blue Jay totem links you directly with the power of the Earth itself. It can link the heavens and the Earth and give you access to universal energies and power.

I know I have been out of the loop lately .. I haven’t been blogging and I haven’t felt connected to others lately. I have felt very disconnected. I was telling myself that I was just taking a break. Well, I guess my feathered friends are telling me break time is over and I need to get back to it! Okay! Okay! I hear you!

Many Blessings for a magical day!

A Whisper of Something New

You know that feeling you get when your life is about to change? That feeling that stirs deep inside that whispers of moments to come? That moment that sneaks upon you in the silence of an ordinary day, that lets you know that more is on it’s way? There is a knowing as well as an unknowing. You know something new is coming into your life but just exactly what it is… is still unknown. You begin to wonder what this something new is. Will it be a new job, a new home, a new project or maybe a new aspect of yourself. Just what it is maybe unknown but there is a deep knowing that whatever it is … it’s becoming. Oh the mystery that surrounds us in our daily growing.

Many Blessings for a Beautiful Day,


Alignment Ceremony

Funny how just a comment can set a whole series of events in motion. I must tell the whole story because … well I am RavenTALKER of course and so staying true to my name I’m going to tell it all! hahahahahahaha

It all started when I saw a friend post the statement “Negativity Be Gone!” .. I responded that she needed to smudge. She then replied back wanting to know what smudge was and how to use it. I private messaged her all the details and since the conversation came up .. I grabbed a bit of smudge from my desk and smudged myself … a little smudging never hurt anyone  .

I went on about my evening chores and as it was nearly time for bed, I went downstairs to take my night time shower… Instead of the regular shower I took a more ceremonial shower that I call a “cleansing bath”. I’ll explain these things at the end of my post.

Out of the shower I was all ready for bed… I was urged to drink a considerable amount of water by Spirit and so I grabbed a 16 oz bottle of water and chugged nearly the whole thing down and got into bed. Spirit still had more for me to do… so I got up once again and picked up a small bottle of lavender essential oil that sits on my bedside table…  I dabbed a bit of the oil on my forehead, on the top of my head and then on each wrist, the arch of each foot and then in the palm of each hand. Why did I do all of this? I have no idea other than I was guided to do so.

Ok so am I ready for bed now? NOPE! I have on my bedside table several crystals. I first picked up 2 crystal necklaces I have laying there, one amethyst and one rose quartz… I wrapped them around my wrists like bracelets but thought.. that will drive me nuts… so I took them off and slid them inside my pillow. I then arranged some of the crystals on my table in a way that I was guided to arrange them. I have no real idea why the position of each just kept moving them around until I felt satisfied that they were where they needed to be.

OKAY… now am I ready for bed??? YES! Whew..

Right away as I lay my head onto the pillow, visions began rolling in.

I am in a ceremony of some sort and I will now describe to you what happened:

There is a large circle with many people sitting around it’s edge. Inside the circle is a fire and a man dancing in a very spastic like inside. There are 2 guys with long poles also inside the circle with the dancing medicine man. Each man stands at the center point of the fire on each side as the medicine man dances between them. He seems to be in a rhythmic trance as we dances very wildly between the two guys with the long poles…. Now as he dances near one guy .. the man will slam the pole to the ground making a very loud thunderous noise and the medicine man will dance to the other and the same thing happens as the medicine man nears the guy with the pole.. he slams it down creating a loud thunderous noise. It is as if the pole symbolize lightning and as the medicine man draws near each guy they slam the pole to the ground to symbolize the lightning strike…. this goes on for quite some time until finally the medicine mans rhythms seem to be less wild and more balanced in the center of the two holding the poles… which make him centered in front of me. I am sitting at the 11 o’clock position of the north point of the circle. I am dressed in a natural linen fabric and have white dots painted down the center of my body from my head .. past my belly button.  The medicine man now starts dancing toward me and back toward the fire.. back and fourth.. back and fourth … again for some time. The medicine man now turns to face the fire and swished his arms from behind him up and toward the fire and into the air. He does this for a while and at the end of the dance he walks over to me and places his hand on the top of my head… the odd thing was that his hand seemed to glow as if he carried fire in his hand… but there was no physical fire there. The ceremony was now complete but everyone continued sitting in the circle in meditation for sometime through the night.

I was told that this was an alignment ceremony getting me ready for the next phase of alignment.

I love how spirit works and how you just never know when wonderful gifts like this will come along.

Many think I am weird and even more so because I speak freely about the visions that I see. I am not worried about what others think of me and my experiences. I feel these experiences.. these visions are a gift and gifts are for sharing. I may be a bit odd and weird but I enjoy every minute of it!

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
etsygoogleyoutube twitter tumblr pinterest linkedininstagram  facebook
Be sure to check out my Facebook Page for more videos, Spirit messages and free readings even!

*Smudging: smudging is a way of cleansing yourself, your space or area and your possessions or tools with herbal smoke. Most commonly used is sage but you can add to the mix many herbs depending on what you are cleansing.. the reason for cleansing or just preferences. Sweetgrass, lavender, tobacco are also common additions used in making smudge.

*Ceremonial/Ritual  Bath:  Depending on reason/purpose for the bath, herbal water may be used and meditation also takes place .. this is another way of cleansing before ritual or ceremony.

In the Garden of Dreams

Most when they see this particular plant only see a random weed growing in their garden, messing up the landscape of their smooth cut, green grass.

When I see this plant I think of wishes and dreams coming true.

As a child I picked many a dandelion and with all the breath I could muster, I would blow and blow and blow, hoping to blow off every seed so that my wishes would come true. If ever I was successful in blowing off every seed, I truly knew that those wishes would indeed be granted.

At the first sign of Spring I would pick every dandelion I could find… one after another, blowing off every seed that I could. If unsuccessful once, then I’d find another and continue blowing and continue wishing. I believed that I could do it and with that belief I kept going.

I always felt that my dreams were within reach as long as I kept trying.

That’s the beauty of seeing the world through the eyes of a child.

May today you see the world through the eyes of a child as well and know that as long as you keep trying, your goals, your wishes and your dreams are within reach.

Many Blessings,


When the Planets Line Up

This morning I had a vision and I’m still pondering the full meaning…

I was at some foreign event …. like in Africa,Australia or Mexico… the landscape was very dry and dusty.. not much greenery going on… just loads of dirt. I was there to guard and take photos so I was given this really long, huge gun and so I tried carrying both around with me while I was readying myself to take photos of the event. No idea what the event was I don’t think the event was the “real” point of me being there.

As  I was looking for a good vantage point to take photos I saw through a window tons of hummingbirds gathered in one area… they were all over the place! So I moved people out of my way… put the gun down saying I don’t need that thing and began taking photos. All the while I kept moving around to get different vantage points to capture this moment. Everyone else was watching the event .. I was more interested in these hummingbirds and why so many were there. Along with the ordinary hummingbirds were a handful of different rare hummingbirds as well. This amazed me and I was wondering why no one else was even concerned or noticing the hummingbirds.

Now a second even was taking place and as I was moving toward the second event to take photos of it I looked up and it looked as though there were 2 suns in the sky right next to each other. I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me so I would look away and refocus again and again until I admitted to myself that yes indeed it does look like 2 suns are in the sky. Me with my camera in hand, grabbed it and began to focus to take photos .. anyone who has ever tried taking pics of the sun knows how hard that is to focus because of the brightness of the sun. So I fiddled and focused again and again to get a good shot and then realized it wasn’t two suns it was planets.

What I was seeing was lots of planets and as my camera kept refocusing on this event I saw more and more planets move into alignment. The events going on behind me continued as people were distracted by whatever that was and not paying one bit of attention to the miracle that was going on in the sky above us. It was absolutely amazing to see. All of the planets were perfectly falling right into alignment.

Here’s a little bit of info on the hummingbird from

Life is a wonderland of delight – darting from one flower to another, tasting the sweet nectar and radiating the colors of the rainbow. It’s a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible. It can teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living in your own life.

Hummingbird medicine is herbal; it shows us how to use flowers for healing. They teach us how to draw life essence from flowers and create your own medicines.

This totem reminds us to explore the past and extract the sweetness from it. It can help you find joy and sweetness in any situation. Grab joy as swiftly as you can. It reminds us to find the joy in what we do  and to sing it out.

Many Blessings,

Messages from Spirit

I have been feeling all day the draw to post something but for the life of me couldn’t figure out what it was. So I sat here in from of my pc trying to figure out exactly what it is I’m being urged to post and then it happens! So many messages .. quick and sparatic and I realize .. oh ok.. I get it .. it’s that time again for me to be the messenger and send out a few notes.. not just to one but to many. Soooooooooooo… here we go… ENJOY!

Message 1. The pain WILL go away…. it may feel like this is permanent but it’s not .. by Spring the pain will miraculously dissappear.

Message 2. NEVER ever be afraid of the dark. We must have both light and dark for balance. The light shows us how dark it can get when it’s gone and the dark shows us how bright the light can truly be. Fear neither. It is what is inside us that matters .. nothing more.

Message 3. Gardening is the answer. You’ve been wanting to get to know nature better .. you”ve been aching to be out in the midst of nature. Get ready for Spring is coming and it will be early this year.. plan your garden now and get yourself out there and plant. You will become to know the healing forces of the Earth so myuch better by digging in and getting your hands a little dirty.

Message 4. Love is coming.. your wait will be over soon.. just know that you’ll not be finding it in an expected place.. totally unexpected and it will be one of those ah ha moments when you realize what and who it is. You already know I’m talking about you just by reading this the hair stands on end and chill bumbs show themselves 🙂 .

Message 5. Your intuition is spot on and so are your dreams. Don’t doubt or second guess yourself .. it’s time you start trusting in your own abilities.  There truly is no need to seek others for answers that you already have inside yourself. Oh and stop beating yourself up.

Message 6. The answers are clearly in front of you every single day. You simply have a choice to acknowledge those answers or to continue turning a blind eye to what you already know is there.

Message 7.  The house you’ve been looking at is trash.. I’m sorry but I wanted to type something else but TRASH is the word that came to me very clear and strong… something is very wrong with this house that cannot be seen but you sense it .. walk away now.. this will be a money pit.


Many Blessings and good luck on your journies,

and so it begins…………….

Tonight we say our goodbyes to 2011 and we welcome in a new year… a new year of possibilities…  a new year of second, third, fourth, etc chances… a new year of becoming your own personal best… a new year to set your own records… a new year to hope … a new year to love… a new year to dream… and a new year to make those dreams a reality.

I keep hearing this commercial on television and radio about this speaker who encourages our young to go after their dreams the quote the commercial ends with is ” If you do nothing to make your dreams happen… your dream dies with you”.  If you take a moment to think about that statement… you can imagine how sad that must be. I also think about all the dreams in this world that were never realized and that must have died within the dreamer. The question of the day is: Will you be one of those dreamers who’s ideas and dreams die when you do or will you be one of those dreamers who goes after your dreams to make them happen.

If you have passion about something, why not at least try your best to make it happen. If it happens or not, at least you tried and maybe someone around you caught that same passion and maybe .. just maybe they will carry on with your vision after you are gone. You never know unless you go after it.

Tonight here are a few things you may want to try:

~ Light a green candle with the intent of creating your future in a positive and productive way.. imagine your dreams coming true and your reality just as you dreamed it to be. Allow this candle to fully burn out. Light it before the end of this year and let it burn over into the new one. (Green can be substituted with any  color if you don’t have a green one handy. Green is the color of health, wealth, success and prosperity)

~ Do something productive to help manifest your dreams. (even if it’s simply writing down your vision)

~ Create a vision board of things you want to make happen this year and keep it visible so that you can be reminded daily of your dreams and of what you wish to manifest in the year to come.

~ Think postive thoughts…. sounds simple … but as you go through your day pay attention to your thoughts and when a negative thought pops into your head … push it away. Negative thoughts damper our productivity and progress and are useless to us or anyone else.

Be sure and do at least 1 thing each day to help manifest your dreams.. even if it’s something as simple as meditating on that dream, recognizing that dream, reminding yourself of the tasks you need to do to make that dream a reality. Every day doesn’t have to be filled with huge tasks… but every day does need to be filled with a type of energy that someday will help you realize your dreams.

Many Blessings for a great year ahead!

Winter Solstice – The Long Night’s Journey

This is a vision I had a couple of years ago on the night of the winter solstice… I share with you now my moment.

My whole life has been like the hunt like the wolf, searching for food. The food that we hunt is different only in the hunger that we each sought to feed. In my own search I have sought out various foods to feed the many different hungers of my soul… a hunger for wisdom, of learning, of growth, of love, of creativity, a hunger for spiritual fulfillment and the list goes on.

This the longest night of the year I would like to share with you my spiritual journey. In this journey I was accompanied by my long time spiritual companion, the white wolf.

The day began much colder than any other before it, the community was buzzing with activities, as everyone was preparing for the longest of the cold winter nights.

The elders gathered and I was stripped of all that I wear and bathed in a ritual bath to cleanse away all that was unneeded. I was induced into a restful, relaxed state by way of some sort of herbal drink and then wrapped in the pelt of a white wolf and placed in a shelter with a roaring fire at it’s center.

I lay next to the fire wrapped in this wonderous fur. I give thanks to the wolf that gave his life for the sake of my warmth this long and cold winter night. I struggle to keep my eyes open, the herbal concoction has set in and my body falls into a state of complete rest.

The fire before me glows and my eyes grow so heavy I can no longer keep them open.

I hear not a sound other than the beat of my own heart accompanied by that of my spirited protector, the great white wolf. Not a sound is heard, not the crackle of the fire, not the sounds of the night, no sound from any other soul. The night, silent and still.

Now that night has fallen, there is no scurrying about with chores and busy work, there is no worry or fright, there is no concern or sorrow.. there is only one thing and that thing is rest. Curled up by the fire in this fine coat of fur, I close my eyes and finally I rest.

Completely at ease, knowing I am watched over, I am filled with warmth and love and when I close my eyes, the dreams begin.

Visions of many, they come and they go ..

Secrets of old revealed…

Healing and growth show themselves…

The light from above now glowing from my center.. it fills me.

This night, the longest of the year…. Shall be forever cherished and never feared.

This was my long night’s journey … and the message I’d like to pass on is this:

There is much time in this life to be busy .. to gather.. to hunt ..

to prepare for many things.. you must remember that to be at your best and to keep your strengths at their height.. you must take time to rest .. completely let go and allow yourself time to rejuvenate….



Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven & Wolf:
etsygoogleyoutube twitter tumblr pinterest linkedininstagram  facebook

Hidden Inside Us

click to enlarge

You just never know when inspiration will speak to us. I could not turn out my light tonight without writing about this rainbow that from out of nowhere appeared and lit up my creative soul.

It is midnight and I have to be up at 5am … I am crawling into bed and as I reach over to turn out the light on my bedside table I notice inside one of the crystals lying there and this beautiful little rainbow hidden inside. I began to think about how that tiny little rainbow inside my crystal is like each of us. We all have that rainbow inside us. Layers of color that decorate our souls. Light from within that tells a story of who we are, who we have been and who we will become. That rainbow carries with it all the stories of where we’ve been and those stories yet to be told.

Think about this little rainbow when you meet others on your journey each day. Think about how we are not just what you see on the outside. We all have so much more to us. Layers upon layers of color inside and a light that is as beautiful as we allow it to be.

Also I want you to think about yourself and the rainbow in the crystal…. you are also equally as beautiful. You contain all those many layers of color and light as well. Let your light and those colors shine. Allow others to view the wonders of your soul and don’t be afraid to share your light.

By sharing our light, we encourage others to shine and share theirs as well.. together we can create the rainbow this world needs to improve and become a better, more caring and loving place.

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
etsygoogleyoutube twitter tumblr pinterest linkedininstagram  facebook
Be sure to check out my Facebook Page for more videos, Spirit messages and free readings even!

Dream – Working with the Masters

I was having a pretty wild dream this morning… I was in this place on a mountain that was like a monastery where one might go to be trained by the masters. My husband was there as well. We were both in the physical course together.. we were being taught something like Tai Chi but it was called To Tai Chi or something like that … something only the masters knew. Suddenly one of the masters recognized me and called out my name and said.. Holly, what on Earth are you doing in this class … you should be in the class for the creatives. I said to her, because I want to do it all. Everyone in the class laughed, even the masters… the master was like… but no one can do it all and no one needs to do it all .. and I said but I want to learn it all and at least give everything a try. I want to see for myself how much I can do….. I want to explore all the abilities inside me.

The master and the other students then began to tell about how the classes for the creatives were very hard. Telling about some of their own experiences from the classes. They started going on about how the master would describe things for you to draw and you would have to draw from your own mind ….. you would not be given an image in the physical to draw from.  I was then shown images of their results and the master spoke about how  different everyone’s perspectives were and how beautiful each drawing turned out. I understood this and appreciated the process and that this would be something that would just make me better at what I already do… but it did not change the fact that I wanted to try the harder things… things that I had never tried before to see what other abilities were inside me.

The Master appreciated my wanting to learn and so allowed me to do so.

I was then given this task that was extremely odd in my mind. I had to open up this fruit/plant looking thing that had something in its center .. it was round and had thousands of hair like moving parts.. very compact and the size of a silver dollar. I had to be very careful taking it out … placing it in the palm of my hand and moving it to this big cushion type thing that wasn’t really a cushion.. I’m not sure what it was. The master had told me what it was but that bit I forgot. When I placed this thing on the cushion looking thing it began moving from inside its center – outward. the cushion looking thing it sat on then began to grow. The master said to me that whatever it is placed on.. grows. It has the ability to turn even the smallest stone into a mountain.

The next scene in this dream was as if that master and I were floating overhead while this thing I took from the plant was creating a mountain… as the rock it was on grew it would move to another section of the rock and the rock would continue to grow and grow until it was indeed a very large mountain.

Suddenly my dream leads to an end where even in the dream it felt also as though I had skipped past many things to get to this part of the dream. I was in some sort of group discussion about death and I spoke up to say… but I already know where I go, I have seen it. Everyone paused… the master looked at me quizzically and asked me to  tell them what it was I saw.

I spoke of a large stone mountain that was dome shaped surrounded by pine trees. The Master then said I know exactly where that it…. let me show you and she then took me to that place … we went there and we were floating above it and I looked at her and said something like, see..  I told you I had seen it ( this was a place only the masters knew of .. I was told… she again looked at me quizzically) and that’s where I woke from the dream.

Note: there were lots of details that I had also seen in this dream that I haven’t described here such as the vibrant colors of the drawings the students had done.. the landscape of the mountain the monastery was on… some of the tasks the students were taking part in.. etc.

Many Blessings,

The Floor is Yours…

Ok I’m getting this strong feeling from someone out there that is looking for a message.. a sign or something from spirit … what is it that you are looking for???? The gates are open so ask away!

I’m not saying I have the answers you seek.. but Spirit is urging me to post this allowing you to ask your questions … so now the floor is open to you.

Many Blessings,

Message from Spirit 9-23-2011

The following message may or may not make sense to those who are reading the words to follow.. but know that you are reading this post for a reason.

Message from Spirit:

Words that have been spoken/written fell upon unready ears/eyes …..

Those who speak/write will speak/write again…
Those seeking will listen/review/read with ready ears/eyes.


It is time…

How do you know which you are? YOU KNOW.
It is within you and you are already what you have always felt you would be.

Allow life to flow through you .. both the speaker/writer and the listener/reader. Allow it.

You are ready. Don’t doubt yourself or question it. TRUST and DO.


Many Blessings,


All Signs Point To…..

On my in to work this morning I was greeted right away with the angelic numbers 222. (222 meaning  – Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right.)

This made me smile as I felt blessed and comforted seeing the numbers there in front of me as I drove to work. I began to think about signs in general.. what they mean to people and their significance to others.

I also thought for a moment about those who would like to tell us that we make things up to mean things and that none of it really means anything .. we just say that it does.

Then I thought … well who cares if it is real or not. If I am able to find comfort in something as simple as a set of numbers, then whats the harm… what does it matter to anyone else but me. It means something to me and that is all that matters.

The truth is that none of us can truly say what is at the end of our road until that end has come to be. Having faith and something to believe in doesn’t hurt anyone at all.  If in times of stress, hardship, struggle, loneliness or whatever the case may be .. you are able to find comfort in whatever sign it is you have chosen to see then so be it. You are the only one effected by the sign.. so whats the big deal. Why is it some are so bent on arguing about what sign you chose to believe in and whether or not it is a real sign or not??? I think maybe the case is that they have their eyes closed so tightly to what cannot be explained that they don’t “SEE” .. and when others say that they have “SEEN” they feel.. .well they feel a bit left out and since they haven’t “SEEN” any signs then they must not be real.

Finding comfort in finding a feather.. seeing sets of numbers.. hearing a birds call… feeling like someone of a higher power is watching over you harms no one. Go ahead and believe as you wish .. it is all our given right.

Signs are everywhere you just have to ask for them. When asking for a sign you are making yourself aware of your surroundings.. so what was there all the while is now visible to you.

Just as that line from one of my favorite songs goes… Only the ones who believe, ever see what they dream, ever dream what comes true.

So says the raven today… DREAM.. BELIEVE.. HAVE FAITH.. LIVE.. LOVE… LAUGH and SEE!

Many Blessings,

Meditation Tips

Meditation is a great tool … There are many forms of meditation and many reasons why one might meditate.

It helps to relax, reduce stress, helps with anger, sleep, focus and can also help remember past events or even past lives. These are just a few of the things that you can do with meditation.

It’s best to try many types of meditation until you find the one that is right for you.

When just beginning to meditate it can help by listening to tranquil music and then even more so if you use headphones. The headphones will help drown out any outside noises while you learn your meditation.

The more you do the better you become. It can sometimes be hard to focus and stop the mind from wandering in the beginning. Practice makes perfect.. the more you meditate the better you become at it and soon you’ll be able to meditate with little or no trouble at all.

There are many techniques online… I suggest you google meditation techniques and try out as many as you like. You will find that some are easier for you than others. Everyone is different and so what works for one may not work for another.

Practice visualizing ordinary, everyday things.

Part of meditation is the ability to visualize… start out with closing your eyes and visualizing ordinary, everyday objects, when you master one object… move on to another .. soon you will be able to do this with ease.

Guided meditation vs self guided meditation…

Guided meditation is where someone else is talking you through a meditation technique and self guided is where you memorize steps to a meditation and do it by memory alone.

Guided meditation can sometimes work better simply because you are focused on the words someone else is saying and you are able to completely let go and ease into the picture that they paint for you with their wording.

When you memorize a meditation and do a self guided meditation.. you have to try and let yourself go to the place you are seeking along with continuing to guide yourself down that path.. so you can see how that maybe like trying to live in two worlds at one time.

Try both … one may suit you better than another and then again sometimes you will find certain types of meditation are best self guided and others work better guided by someone else… like past life regression.

When trying to remember a past life .. it is easier to participate in a guided meditation .. that way someone else guides you down that path while you are able to completely let go and travel that road without the task of keeping yourself on track… it is the responsibility of the other person to do that and you can have the freedom to roam about that life fully. Also it’s good to have someone else with you as you explore past lives or even past events in your current life so that if you go too deeply or experience great tragedy .. they can see you struggling and bring you back up if needed.

Comfort – You must be in a comfortable place when meditating .. you can’t be too hot or too cold or uncomfortable in general…. it breaks your concentration and disrupts the process.

I hope these tips have helped.

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
etsygoogleyoutube twitter tumblr pinterest linkedininstagram  facebook
Be sure to check out my Facebook Page for more videos, Spirit messages and even free readings!

Animal Visions

This morning in that space between sleep and waking I had a very vivid vision …. I’d like to share that vision with you now.

There were 2 small birds over on a nearby roof top and I couldn’t tell what they were… so I placed a couple pieces of meat on the deck railing to see if they would come get it and sure enough they moved closer … one of them was very daring and didn’t mind me being there at all and came right up to me … it was a baby bald eagle!! I took the meat and it took it right from my hand and snuggled up against me … it was so adorable. I looked right into the eyes of that baby bald eagle and I could see the fierceness and strength in it even at such a young age. The other bird stayed at a distance … I couldn’t really make out what it was, I think it was some sort of crane like bird but it too was still very young. It watched us but kept it’s distance. It seemed shy. Just found it .. it was a baby heron.

As I am playing with the baby bald eagle, a hawk flew in and landed on me! hahahahah someone had put a sweater on it and I could see it was annoyed by the sweater so I took it off and it too stayed there with me just hanging out. This was a full grown hawk not a baby one like the bald eagle.

Next a big very black raven flys in and lands on top of me and I said to the raven, “excuse me, do you mind not sitting on top of me!” lol So it moves and just hangs out with the rest of us…

Then a baby armadillo comes up to me… oh so cute! So I pick it up and it just wants to cuddle up …. every time I put it down it would come running back up to me for me to pick it back up.

Then there was a talking turtle that showed up in the vision .. I can’t remember what it said to me but it was crazy. I know it said something about love but can’t remember the exact words. I think it was something like “Remember I love you” or something along those lines. When it spoke everyone looked at me like  “what the heck” … I said yeah I know it’s weird right.. but I have heard the turtles talk before, I told them .. and at that time I had  a flash back of being at some pond  where there were lots of older turtles and they were all talking.

I was a very endearing vision… all the animals coming up to me as they did.. I’ll post their totem properties in a moment at the end of this blog for you all.

The connections I had with these animals is what stood out in my mind… how they looked at me  as if they knew me and trusted me … it was an awesome feeling. There was a bond there that I can’t really describe in words. I’ll not forget this vision and the gift that was given by it.

Here are the characteristics for each totem:

Bald Eagle –

The eagle is symbol of the zenith.  A great reminder of your own ability to soar to great heights. Eagles are messengers from heaven and are the embodiment of the spirit of the sun. Those with an Eagle totem need to have an involvement with creation; a willingness to experience extremes; a willingness to use your ability even if it means getting “scorched” a little as you fly high; a willingness to seek out your true emotions.

A demanding totem, but one that offers so much reward at the end of the journey.

Its four-toed feet remind you to stay grounded even went soaring high; Its talons remind you to grasp the things of the earth; Its sharp beak shows you when to speak, how much, and how strongly.

This totem will show you opportunities and how to ride the winds to your benefit.
Eagle people can live in the realm of the spirit yet still remain connected and balanced within the realm of the Earth.

You must become much more than you ever dreamed possible.


If a raven totem has come into our life, magic is at play.
Raven activates the energy of magic and links it to our will and intention.

With this totem, we can make great changes in our life; the ability to  take the unformed thought  and make it reality

The raven shows us how to go into the dark of our inner self and bring out the light of our true self; resolving inner conflicts which have long been buried. This is the deepest power of healing we can possess


Hawk is the messenger, the protector and the visionaries of the Air. It holds the key to higher levels of consciousness. This totem awakens vision and inspires a creative life purpose.

A Hawk totem is filled with responsibility because Hawk people seek the overall view.
They are aware of omens and spirit messages.

A Red-Tailed Hawk Totem is special. It has direct ties to the Kundalini, the seat of primal life force. It is associated with the base chakra . If you have this Totem, you will be aware of and work towards fulfilling your soul’s purpose. It reflects a greater intensity of energy within your life:  physical, emotional, mental and spiritual forces will all be strong within you. The Red-Tail Hawk is a permanent totem — it will always be with you.


Armadillo wears its armor on its back, its medicine is part of its body. Its boundaries of safety are a part of its total being. Adjust your rhythms and senses and you will know what is safe and what is not.


Armadillo teaches you how to protect yourself and when to let your defenses down.


Make yourself a energy body shield using Armadillo medicine. Make a circle on a piece of paper and see it as a medicine shield. Write in the circle all the things that you want to have, experience, and give you joy. This shield will reflect what you are and what you will on an unconscious level.


When you receive an Armadillo totem, it is time to define your space. You may have trouble saying “no” and are being taken for granted. Learn to guard your personal space and allow entry only when you want to.




Turtle is the oldest symbol for the Earth. It is the personification of goddess energy and the eternal Earth itself.

If you have a Turtle totem, you must be mindful of returning to the Earth what she has given you. Honor the creative source within you. Use water and earth energies to create a harmonious flow in your life. Ask the Earth for assistance and her riches will pour forth.

If a Turtle totem shows up in your life, slow down the pace of your life. Bigger, stronger, faster are not always the best ways to reach your goals.

Turtle is fine teacher of the art of grounding. When you learn to ground yourself to Earth’s power and strength, you place focus on your thoughts and actions and use the Earth’s limitless energies rather than your own to accomplish your will.

Turtle is the keeper of doors and one of the ways into the Faerie Realm.

Oh dear!!!! hahahahaha


A Heron and Egret totem teaches balance; the ability to progress and evolve — to walk into deeper waters without fear.

It is important for someone with a Heron and Egret totem to learn to stand on their own two feet, to become independent and self-reliant.

Heron and Egret has a strong connection to the element of Earth  and you must also be aware and cultivate this connection.   The Mother Earth is a source of strength and will help you stand strong and firm.


Heron medicine allows you to perform many tasks at the same time, keeping all in balance.
If one way doesn’t work, then another way will. Heron and Egret people seem to instinctively know this.


Heron people do not need a lot of people in their life  and they are often follow non-traditional roles. They feel no need to “keep up with the Jones.”  They stand out in their uniqueness and know how to take advantage of things and events that most people wouldn’t bother with.


You know what is best for you and you should follow that path. Be aggressive when opportunities present themselves — don’t let them get away from you.


Meditation on color will provide insight to Heron and Egret people.


Many Blessings,

Journey to the Summit

A vision I had one afternoon on my way home from work …  

Today the Grandmothers came for a visit …

Straight away one of them came over and grabbed me by the ear and said “come on, we must go”.

“Go where?”, I asked … “nevermind that, just come on”.

They said we had to get to the top of that mountain … as one of the grandmothers  pointed to this remote, very steep mountain top that looked to be somewhere in Asia.

IMG_8184The mountain was a very tall, thin, pointy looking mountain.  I thought to myself … OH DEAR! How on earth am I getting up there?

I started grabbing a few things as they pulled me to the base of the mountain. Things I thought I might need to help me along the way.

Off we went up the mountain. The sun beating down on my back felt like a brick house pushing me down. The grandmothers seem to have no trouble at all climbing this mountain. How could I be out-done by a couple of old ladies?!

I kept climbing …

As I climbed I began letting loose of some of those things I thought I needed. I had to shed some weight to make it to the top of this darned mountain. I had to lighten the load!

I’m not sure how long it took. It seemed like a long time … but it was still daylight when we reached the top.

I reached the top and there was a bench just overlooking the edge. I made my way over to the bench and sat down.

Exhausted, I sat there for a while trying to catch my breath and gather my senses.

The grandmothers behind me say, “What do you see? What do you feel? what do you hear? and what do you know?”

“I know I’m beat!”, I thought to myself… 

I sat there for a few moments looking out over the amazing view … wondering to myself… “ok what is it they WANT me to see, hear, feel, and know?” hmmmmmmmmmm

“Forget about us for a moment and just speak your mind”, they said.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could smell the flowers. Each scent individual and then a lingering of how they mingled together. I felt the cool breeze as it washed over my face and brushed through my hair. I felt the once hot sun, now warming me as it dried my dripping wet clothes and it felt like a golden hug from heaven. I could hear the wind as it blew through each blade of grass and how it seemed to whisp around the whole mountain, encircling us all. I opened my eyes and I could see clear across the valley below without my glasses on. The colors on the leaves as the sun played among the branches of every tree were so vivid. 

“Now, what do you know?” they asked.

I know that somehow I feel lighter … even though I am in body the same as when I started up the mountain …. and beside the fact of my material load being gone, I feel lighter inside myself.  I don’t quite understand how, but I feel so light that it is as if I could glide down this mountain like a leaf in the wind.

I feel weightless… inside and out.

“Think about this for a while”, they said … “stay here and allow your mind to become crystal clear”.

Suddenly I replayed the memory of myself climbing this mountain and I watched as I started to lighten my load. Each time I let go of something it became something else… like thoughts or behaviors. My concentration was solely on getting up this mountain and all those things I thought I needed weren’t helping at all. Without thinking about it I began to let these things go as I made my way upward.  Then suddenly there I was… at the top.

I smirked .. smart old women ….

We need nothing but what is inside us to make it to where we want to go.. with a strong will and a bit of direction, we will get there as long as we don’t give up and keep our eyes forward.

Thank you Grandmothers for this journey …  there are always lessons to be learned.

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
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Be sure to check out my Facebook Page for more videos, Spirit messages and free readings even!

Stripping it all away

This is a vision I had a couple of years ago and thought now to be a good time to re-share with you my experience…

The Milk Ceremony ~ 

I was laid out in circle completely naked as the clan mothers cleansed me with milk. They carefully poured milk all over my body taking care not to miss any part of me. Once this was done pieces of leather were laid over my more private areas and a medicine man then came into the circle. He carried with him a large shell of smoke to once again cleanse and bless me and the area before he began his medicine.

What happened next was something I would have never imagined.  It was as if I had many layers of myself on me…. Like layers of clothing it was as if I had layers of flesh that had built up over the years. The medicine man stood at my feet and with gestures he pulled off each layer one by one. With each layer he pulled off and threw behind him, I became brighter and more clean looking.  It was just like when one lightens their teeth and with each application they become a tad bit whiter. Behind him as he threw off each layer, there were helpers that would quickly pour special water mixed with milk and herbs onto the ground where his gestures seemed to have thrown the layers. Also there was a bundle of herbs smoking just on the far side of the area that yet another helper would continuously fan so that the smoke filled the entire area behind the medicine man.

These layers of me were… well….. they were ideas, behaviors, thoughts, actions and habits that I had formed over years of living. Things that had attached to me through all my days in this life. I was being stripped away of everything. Stripped down to the bone but the medicine man went far beyond flesh and bone …  he went all the way down to the core of me.

feather It took quite a long while to strip away all my layers .. seems as though I must have collected quite a lot in this  life thus far.  When he was finally done stripping away my layers, I saw something amazing and unexpected. I was made up entirely of light. Laying there still, glowing oh so brightly.. and to my amazement I could see certain parts of me a bit brighter than the rest. We read about and are taught that our bodies have these Chakra points… the points in your body that hold the most energy…. Seeing myself in this way….. confirmed that to be true.

It was as if I had the whole of the universe inside me… made up of every constellation imaginable. Some say were are born of the stars .. after seeing this I would certainly believe that to be a truth. Once I was stripped down to this level the medicine man and his helpers along with the clan mothers, sat down and formed a circle around me…. They sat there for a very long time chanting in a meditative prayer. They did this until the sun came back up.

I was then shaded by some structure that they built and left there in a meditative state until the sun had gone back down. As I began to grow back a new layer of flesh and bone… I was given a token or gift from each person in the circle… they placed these gifts inside me. It will be up to me to find these gifts and use them when the time is right. The medicine man’s gift was a large crystal.. it was square in shape .. not pointed and not entirely clear.. it was a milky color and a bit off white.

This ceremony leaves me in quite a state of reflection. I can certainly see the point of it and feel quite blessed to have been part of such a sacred and healing act. In fact beyond the words describing the ceremony I feel quite speechless.. not knowing exactly what to say… yeah I bet you never imagined that either!! hahahaha.

On that note I will leave you with this one last thought… maybe we should all take a bit of time to look at ourselves and the many layers we have collected over our lifetimes… and do ourselves  the favor of shedding those layers that bring us negativity, pain or those thoughts and behaviors that simply hold us back in life.

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven & Wolf:
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Message from Spirit

ok take two… lol…

Spirit gently whispers in my ear … PURPOSE

Let go of the idea that you have to find your purpose as if you are not already living it.

We each have our own purpose and you may be surprised to find out that the purpose of life is the same for all of us.

It’s in living … living life well and becoming and being the best that we can.

We were born with love and in becoming who we are we struggle and sometimes think we have lost that love … we haven’t … it’s there… it’s waking up to realize that it never left us.. not for one second .. it was just waiting for us to notice.

It’s often hardest to see what’s right there in front of our faces.

just sayin….

Many Blessings,

Message From Spirit 1-25-2011

When you stop making excuses and allowing your past to define you.. define who you are.. why you are the way you are .. and define the world around you … then and only then will you find peace and be able to move forward.

It’s like trying to roller skate up a hill… it’s a hell of a lot of work and if you loose your focus for just a moment you begin to roll backwards.

Those skates are also your crutch .. your excuse.

You think they will get you up the hill faster .. when in fact you really aren’t going anywhere .. forward a few inches.. roll back .. forward a few inches.. roll back .. work work work…

To say I am this way because of something that happened in my past is an excuse! LET IT GO!

At some point in our lives we will all go through some type of abuse.. some worse than others … it causes us much damage and blurs our perspective on life.

We CANNOT then turn around and use that past experience to define us … at some point we have to own responsibility for our actions and move beyond the abuse. No more do we make bad decisions and blame it on something that happened to us in the past. No more can we be hurtful and rude to others and blame that on past abuse. No more can we cry and moan about a miserable life and blame it on something else.No more can we run away from love, life and opportunity and blame it on our past!

Having said all that I want to say .. I don’t take abuse in any way lightly .. and I don’t take the effects that is has on us lightly .. I have come from a very abusive relationship in my past … physical, mental, verbal.. you name it .. I’ve experienced it .. so I understand.

But there comes a point in your life where you have to say ..


You have to rise above and beyond that moment in time .. let all that pain and hurt go … it’s not doing you any good to hold on to it .. so let it go..

By holding on to it .. you allow it to continue .. the abuse stays with you because you allow it to.

Hug yourself.. you are a good person and no you didn’t deserve what happened to you …

Bad things happen to good people… let it go. Allow yourself that much needed healing…

It’s ok to be OKAY! Really it is… the world won’t come crashing down because you are healing and feeling good…

Great big hugs to everyone .. I know many of you will relate and understand where I am coming from ..

I hope that you will be able to find that peace .. and experience that moment of moving beyond the past.

Many Blessings,

Messages from Spirit 1-23-2011

Today I feel Spirit working through me and so I must pass on the messages that I receive.

Here we go…

~|~ STRIKE while the iron is hot … don’t wait for it to cool .. trust your instincts… allow yourself to be guided with your inner knowing

~|~ It’s ok to slow down … listen to your own body and intuition .. not that of others

~|~ Not all is what it seems .. you need to distance yourself from this thing that has been bothering you and look at it from an outside perspective

~|~ A picture is worth a 1,000 words.. your answers are right there in front of you .. don’t dismiss it or excuse it away

~|~ All this worry is making you sick… you know the reasons…you even know the cure… now it is up to you to make the decision that is best for YOU ..

~|~ Each of us creates the life we live in … if you don’t like your life… don’t belly ache about it .. change it… you made it the way it is… you can change it

~|~ Waiting to do the inevitable is just prolonging the pain and torment … so stop waiting and just get on with it.

~|~ Just because Simon said jump off the bridge didn’t mean you had to follow suit …. use some common sense and be your own person… follow your own rules … your intuition will not guide you wrong

~|~ Whats done is done.. there is no going back .. only forward .. just watch your step next time.

OH and my grandmother says … piss or get off the pot!

Many Blessings,

Daily Wisdom by Raventalker 1-20-2011

from the Vision Quest Deck

Daughter of Earth – Creativity

Be ready for creativity to run amuck! amuck! amuck! You have inside you all the tools that you need.. patience and inner peace will help you when this creative phase begins. The flood gates are bulging and soon this creative flow will be set free… be ready!

Transformation –

When we transform … it is like we are reborn… and in order to be reborn .. something must pass.Don’t try to hold on to the inevitable.. let go of all unnecessary baggage and allow the transformation to take place. Don’t fear change … allow it to come to be and you will see your world become brighter and better.

Daughter of Fire – Self Actualization

TRUST! You must trust that inner knowing that guides you. It wants to lift you to the heavens like smoke rising from a bowl of healing herbs. The greater your faith and trust in the secret forces that guide you .. the more sure footed your journey will be. Your path is right there in front of you .. trust .. believe and walk forward with love.

Many Blessings,

When the Moon Turned Red

Last night I had this outstanding vision… I’ve had a bit of time to reflect on it and would like to share …

I was standing outside looking up at the night sky and there was this spectacular event going on… many people stopped to take notice

There was the moon and around the moon were several smaller moons circling around it … just outside the ring of smaller moons where some sort of space crafts … 4 of them had come to watch the event about to take place.

the moon suddenly turned a bright red … and moments later the moon went black and left the space before us … it drifted away to the right and was gone …

Another moon took its place… it wasn’t the normal moon…. it was another red moon that took its place and just as the red moon before it .. it suddenly faded to black and left the space … again drifting off to the right until it could no longer be seen…

Looking back at the space where the moon once was .. another red moon appeared…

I looked around and the world was a mess… chaotic .. the weather was harsh and yet the people around me acted oblivious to what was going on.

They were dealing with the chaos and weather and yet not understanding what was really going on…

In this vision I was very pregnant and frantic about trying to get everyone to understand what was going on … what was REALLY going on … I was trying to make them “SEE”. But it was as if no one understood… and they really didn’t care… sure they cared about what was happening to themselves but not about what was happening to the world.

Our whole world was in jeapordy …. not just their own little worlds… but the entire planet.


The creator can give us the most amazing, dramatic signs … he can place them right there in front of us… just above our heads and until we open our eyes to truly see whats going on … it will be noticed but UNSEEN

You know… you need to care about more than just your own private space…

What exactly are you leaving behind for your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren…. Have you made your world a better place?

Placing a larger house on it doesn’t necessarily make it better … a new place to shop doesn’t make it better, more roads doesn’t make it better

How about clean air, fresh water? Just to name a couple of things… very important things….

Many Blessings,

Messages From Spirit

>As always when I make these type posts .. I have a few messages from Spirit .. not sure who they are for … all I can do relay the message given to me and have faith that they will reach their intended target.


Watch where you are walking … be careful of the steps you take right now… there could be some hidden obstacles.


You are looking in the wrong place… what you seek is not outside of you …

You already know this.. so stop looking outside


It feels like there is something you are suppose to be doing… because you are …. what are you waiting for.. take the bull by the horns and get busy..


It doesn’t matter if anyone else cares about what you are doing or why … it only matters that you care … stop questioning your reason and just do it anyway. You are on the right path.


You have been given the signs… you hear the voice telling you what to do … so stop ignoring it!!!!!


Yellow… paint it yellow


Look up the properties of the image you see and you will understand


its in the song you sing


if you don’t care … who will? Stop pretending you don’t


Many Blessings,

Spirit is Speaking…..

>I feel Spirit speaking to me today and so I have to relay the message/messages…


BE YOURSELF!!!!! Not sure who this is for but Spirit is screaming as though this person is having a difficult time just relaxing and maybe even being comfortable and open with their own self.. BE YOU … Stop worrying about what others will think … You will never find happiness hiding who you are .. don’t be afraid .. just relax and allow yourself to BE YOU.


I can’t let go of this issue I’m picking up with someone and a garden … I really don’t know what the message is but I keep seeing the garden and the feeling I get is frustration… or something similar ….. and even some sort of sadness or disappointment


Hold the bar… again no clue what that is suppose to mean … I just get “Hold the bar”


If you need help.. ask for it … don’t trouble yourself or worry yourself to the point of making yourself sick when you are in need of help from someone else … seek out the help and your troubles will fade away .. the problem will be resolved… you just have to stop worrying about it and ask for the help.


Those wings … yes … you know the ones I’m talking about .. those are indeed the wings of angels.


The door is open… you just have to step through it now. Don’t let your fears stop you from walking forward.


Why do you question so much what is put in front of you? When Spirit speaks.. listen .. don’t question. The signs have been put before you again and again .. stop convincing yourself that you are wrong and that they are not what you feel they are… TRUST


The dog is barking so much because he is trying to warn someone ….. once you understand the warning .. the dog will stop barking


Do you have your ducks in a row?


The first draft is done.. there will be a few more so don’t get frustrated … it will all come together when the time is right … just don’t give up … you are on the right path .. going in the right direction.


I hope these messages make sense to those who needed to see them today

Many Blessings,


>Remember who you wanted to be when you were young?

Remember the dreams of growing up?

Remember ………

It is time to find yourself again …. through the chore of growing up and living you have forgotten or lost who you are …

It is time to remember ….

It is never too late to be who you are.. Walk with love in the direction of your dreams and keep with you always that inner child who wishes on stars, pinky swears and believes in wishes coming true.

Many Blessings,

Message From Spirit

Today Spirit guides me to ask this one question…

The steps you are taking …. are they taking you down the path that is yours or someone elses?

Do we follow our own hearts and dreams or do we follow that of others? …

We cannot make everyone happy but we can do what is needed to make ourselves happy …

By trying to live your life by the terms of another we do not live for ourselves and in the end neither will be happy..

For they will find that they were the only ones who could fulfill their own happiness and the same is said for each of us.

Many Blessings,

Being the Antenna

ravenwitchAs I was pondering what to post today for your daily dose of wisdom. I felt stuck… unsure of what to post about. And then in came to me. As soon as I let go of trying to force an idea or thought into my head… it was just there.

When trying to tune into the world around you, you must let go … don’t force it.

When we try to force ourselves into something, it rarely turns out the way we would imagine. No matter what it is, be it a thought, a project, a job, words of wisdom, or forcing yourself into “seeing” or “hearing” what normally goes unseen or unheard, it is best to let go of trying to force it and just allow it to come to you.

You must let down the walls and let go of trying so hard.  You are clogging the drain… Blocking the freeway… interrupting the signal. You have to clear the pipes and let it flow through you .. don’t try to hold on too strong or force it into being.

(keep in mind I am not speaking about what we do to manifest things into our lives .. that is a whole other blog… )

Think of yourself as an antenna … you must allow the current to flow through you to pick up the signals … antennas don’t hold on to the sound waves to send you the music … they just allow it to flow through them .

Many Blessings,

Follow the Raven:
etsygoogleyoutube twitter tumblr pinterest linkedininstagram  facebook
Be sure to check out my Facebook Page for more videos, Spirit messages and free readings even!

Wishful Thinking

WP_20140602_008Daily Wisdom by Raventalker 8-4-2010

Spirit whispers in my ear to send out a message today for all to be aware of wishful thinking .

I’m not speaking about the kind of “I wish I could win the lotto” kind of thinking.

I’m speaking about a way of thinking that turns things and situations into what you wish them to be … not what they are.

This happens often and most of us do this at some point in our lives … What Spirit asks is that you become aware of it.

Often, we see signs, it could be a word or phrase or even our lucky number or possibly even a certain animal that reminds us of something or someone particular.  Wishful thinking is when you push what you want onto that sign and make it be about what you want to happen instead of what the sign is really meant to be about.

We can want for something so badly that everything we see turns into a sign about that particular thing.  Later down the road when things don’t turn out as you thought or hoped for, you might say something like “but the signs….”

Well yes you were given signs …. But because of your “want” of something else you did not see what those signs were really for .. instead you made them out to be about what you wished them to be.

Spirit asks that you become more aware of doing this … he loves us all and wishes not for us to be left guessing at that point down the road.

Many Blessings,