The Meaning of 10-11-12 Revealed!

That’s right everyone … today is 10/11/12 ! So what does this all mean?

It means that today is the eleventh day of the tenth month on the year 2012.

Yep.. that’s it!

What else were you expecting? Some profound meaning about the numbers aligning and with that alignment also comes global and planetary alignment as well? Well it is possible but not happening today.

Today is just one of those cool sequence of numbers showing up in the date. We will have to wait another 100 years before we can celebrate this again 🙂

Is the date magical? That’s entirely up to you. You make each day what you want it to be. If you want it to be a date to remember forever.. then do something profound today that will make this day worth remembering in a positive way.

The magic isn’t in the date.. the magic is in you. It’s in each of us.

Many Blessings,

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and so it begins…………….

Tonight we say our goodbyes to 2011 and we welcome in a new year… a new year of possibilities…  a new year of second, third, fourth, etc chances… a new year of becoming your own personal best… a new year to set your own records… a new year to hope … a new year to love… a new year to dream… and a new year to make those dreams a reality.

I keep hearing this commercial on television and radio about this speaker who encourages our young to go after their dreams the quote the commercial ends with is ” If you do nothing to make your dreams happen… your dream dies with you”.  If you take a moment to think about that statement… you can imagine how sad that must be. I also think about all the dreams in this world that were never realized and that must have died within the dreamer. The question of the day is: Will you be one of those dreamers who’s ideas and dreams die when you do or will you be one of those dreamers who goes after your dreams to make them happen.

If you have passion about something, why not at least try your best to make it happen. If it happens or not, at least you tried and maybe someone around you caught that same passion and maybe .. just maybe they will carry on with your vision after you are gone. You never know unless you go after it.

Tonight here are a few things you may want to try:

~ Light a green candle with the intent of creating your future in a positive and productive way.. imagine your dreams coming true and your reality just as you dreamed it to be. Allow this candle to fully burn out. Light it before the end of this year and let it burn over into the new one. (Green can be substituted with any  color if you don’t have a green one handy. Green is the color of health, wealth, success and prosperity)

~ Do something productive to help manifest your dreams. (even if it’s simply writing down your vision)

~ Create a vision board of things you want to make happen this year and keep it visible so that you can be reminded daily of your dreams and of what you wish to manifest in the year to come.

~ Think postive thoughts…. sounds simple … but as you go through your day pay attention to your thoughts and when a negative thought pops into your head … push it away. Negative thoughts damper our productivity and progress and are useless to us or anyone else.

Be sure and do at least 1 thing each day to help manifest your dreams.. even if it’s something as simple as meditating on that dream, recognizing that dream, reminding yourself of the tasks you need to do to make that dream a reality. Every day doesn’t have to be filled with huge tasks… but every day does need to be filled with a type of energy that someday will help you realize your dreams.

Many Blessings for a great year ahead!

2012 or Bust!

Some say the end is near while others will tell you that 2012 is a year of dramatic changes not only for the Earth but for everyone living upon it.

I ask that you forget what you have read and what you have heard and let go of those ideas of others. Make 2012 YOUR year. Allow 2012 and the all the years after be what YOU want them to be. Forget New Year resolutions and make LIFE RESOLUTIONS! I’ve never been one fond of doing what others do or what others think I should do. I have always been one to follow my own set of rules. Life is what we make it and I plan on making it the best that I possibly can. I am sure hard times will come but they will also pass as they have in the years gone by.

We all have life sitting there right in front of us waiting for us to take it into our own hands and do with it what we wish. Sure there are unexpected things that come up.. thats all a part of life.. it’s what makes it interesting .. it keeps us awake and aware.

If your goal this year is to find love… then find that love within yourself first.

If you wish to shed some weight… rid yourself of what stress you can and watch as the weight follows suit. (exercise and eating right must follow as well)

Exercise you mind, body and spirit daily.

Allow goodness to come into your life by giving it frequently.

Go after your dreams and believe in yourself.

Be smart in your decisions but don’t let fear guide you.

Make no excuses. Plan and then DO!

Life is there waiting …

You don’t want to come to the end of your days thinking of all the lost opportunities and “what ifs” … you want to look back and say “At least I gave it a go!” ” I tried” “I did” “I dreamed”  ” I was true to ME”

Many Blessings,

Making it a Positive New Year

christmas ornamentsWith the New Year getting closer I thought today I would speak about making changes and ridding ourselves of those things no longer needed.

Here are a few ideas that may help you start the New Year on the right foot:

Clean out the closets / Clean house – Throw out or donate all the “things” that fill your house with clutter … “things” don’t bring us happiness and a clean house encourages clear thoughts and at the end of the day when you walk in the door from a long day at work your
spirits will be lifted without having to worry about clearing out or cleaning house.

Make a list and check it twice! – Make two lists … one will be of
all those things you no longer need in your life and things you don’t
want to see coming into your life for the coming year – the other list
will be of what you would like to keep in your life and things you
would like to see come into your life for the year ahead. (remember
to be specific on both lists) When you are done with your lists..
take the no longer needed list and burn it … watch it as it burns
away and imagine all those things burning out of your life and staying
far away from you …. The Keep list should be placed somewhere for
safe keeping …. from time to time take it out and look it over
again … add things to it if you want … but it is a reminder of those
things you want to stay in your life or those things you want to
manifest during the year.

Clear the way – Take a day to clean all your windows and doorways …
its amazing the kind of stuff that can build up around these two areas
and how we really don’t pay much attention to the places we walk in
and out of each day … Opening all the windows will allow your home
to breathe and clear the air .. let in some of that fresh air from
outside …. We go in and out of our doors and as we do we bring stuff
in and take stuff out with us .. even if we have nothing in our
hands… cleaning those doorways will also clean away the energy …
more important is that negative energy that may have built up over the
year … as you clean think of good thoughts and put some postive
energy and happiness into your doorways so that coming or going you
take with you a bit of the postive energy and happiness.

Get Cooking! – On the New Year cook up a good hearty meal charged with
postive energy, health and prosperity for the year ahead … take
some time to enjoy your meal… think about being healthy, happy and
prosperous for the entire year ahead and then ……. RELAX! Take a
bit of time to not rush around.. not to worry and not to busy
yourself.. just take a moment to…. well… be in the moment.

I hope these help..

May the New Year find you all in Good Health and Happiness

Many Blessings,

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