dreaming a new year

and so it begins…………….

Tonight we say our goodbyes to 2011 and we welcome in a new year… a new year of possibilities…  a new year of second, third, fourth, etc chances… a new year of becoming your own personal best… a new year to set your own records… a new year to hope … a new year to love… a new year to dream… and a new year to make those dreams a reality.

I keep hearing this commercial on television and radio about this speaker who encourages our young to go after their dreams the quote the commercial ends with is ” If you do nothing to make your dreams happen… your dream dies with you”.  If you take a moment to think about that statement… you can imagine how sad that must be. I also think about all the dreams in this world that were never realized and that must have died within the dreamer. The question of the day is: Will you be one of those dreamers who’s ideas and dreams die when you do or will you be one of those dreamers who goes after your dreams to make them happen.

If you have passion about something, why not at least try your best to make it happen. If it happens or not, at least you tried and maybe someone around you caught that same passion and maybe .. just maybe they will carry on with your vision after you are gone. You never know unless you go after it.

Tonight here are a few things you may want to try:

~ Light a green candle with the intent of creating your future in a positive and productive way.. imagine your dreams coming true and your reality just as you dreamed it to be. Allow this candle to fully burn out. Light it before the end of this year and let it burn over into the new one. (Green can be substituted with any  color if you don’t have a green one handy. Green is the color of health, wealth, success and prosperity)

~ Do something productive to help manifest your dreams. (even if it’s simply writing down your vision)

~ Create a vision board of things you want to make happen this year and keep it visible so that you can be reminded daily of your dreams and of what you wish to manifest in the year to come.

~ Think postive thoughts…. sounds simple … but as you go through your day pay attention to your thoughts and when a negative thought pops into your head … push it away. Negative thoughts damper our productivity and progress and are useless to us or anyone else.

Be sure and do at least 1 thing each day to help manifest your dreams.. even if it’s something as simple as meditating on that dream, recognizing that dream, reminding yourself of the tasks you need to do to make that dream a reality. Every day doesn’t have to be filled with huge tasks… but every day does need to be filled with a type of energy that someday will help you realize your dreams.

Many Blessings for a great year ahead!