October Breeze

October Breeze

Coming in quick .. quite like a sneeze
Bringing with it cold winds and colorful leaves

Days and nights with a chill in the air
Children dressing up to cause a scare!

Candy corn, caramel apples and spiced cider
Decorating with the web of a spider

A stirring comes from beyond the veil
The haunting sound of a wolf’s distant wail

A warm fire crackling in the night
Visions awakening the second sight

Frost soon covers the ground
The Earth begins to sleep and quiets its sound

Burrows and winter beds all being prepared
Now don’t you worry, don’t be scared.

Those sounds you hear in the night
Disappear with the morning light.

October breeze, what’s that you bring?
A mystic kind of feeling!

The song of a raven’s call…
The magical wonders of Fall.

Many Blessings,

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