Day: May 21, 2015

Wishing Your Life Away

We have all done this … during the bad moments life gives us, we often find ourselves wishing those days away. The thing about wishing your life away is that we have no idea when life will end for ourselves or for those we love. By wishing our lives away, just because we are going through a bad time… we are essentially throwing away days that when you look back will have been a gift left unopened. We must live each day as if it were our last, appreciate all the moments of our lives and not wish them away.

Many Blessings,

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Your Path, Your Beliefs and Patience

Do you find yourself feeling stuck? Does the journey you are on feel like a chain event of hard lessons that just don’t seem to end? If so, you need to take some time to review your path, look back at the journey you have been traveling.. what lesson is it that has escaped your understanding.  Have patience with yourself and the journey itself. It takes time and growth to change your path, you have to allow yourself that time and allow the journey to even out once you’ve figured out the lessons.

Many Blessings,

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